About Door of Perception

Trust in me as guide is an important ingredient of the safe setting for the truffle session. Of course, you want to know a bit about your guide before signing up for a journey. And the same applies before enrolling in my course or masterclass. To give you an impression of who I am and what I stand for, a small introduction. If you want to know even more about me, you can follow the links at the bottom of the page.

If you're interested in a guided truffle session, I would be happy to meet you in a non-committal introductory meeting, so that you can feel if we're a match.

Door in a nutshell

Door of Perception = Dorien Tatalas

After engaging with the subject for over 25 years, I dare to call myself a psychedelics expert.

My background

  • More than 25 years of personal experience with psychedelics & an equally long passion for the subject

  • 20 years of working experience in the 'psychedelic sector', in various positions (including education, board of NGO, organizing conferences & harm-reduction projects)

  • Founder and former board member of The OPEN Foundation - in the course of 15 years on the board of OPEN, I acquired a great deal of knowledge and gained a significant network in the world of psychedelic science and therapy. (Read my farewell letter to OPEN here)

  • Over 10 years of experience in guiding psychedelic experiences, trips in a variety of settings

  • Skilled in guiding difficult psychedelic experiences, thanks to years of experience in harm-reduction projects at festivals (Kosmicare at Boom Festival, Zendo at Burning Man and Psycare at Psyfi)

  • MSc cum laude in Medical Anthropology

  • Hands-on experience as a counselor and coach in mental healthcare (over ten years)

  • I started my private psychedelic practice in 2019

My trademarks

  • Private practice with nothing but personal attention throughout the entire process

  • Focus on preparation and safety

  • Praised by clients for the selection of beautiful and supportive music during sessions

  • "Craftsman" approach - I create everything myself. From preparatory material to guided-meditations

  • An independent and autonomous professional with a large network in the world of psychedelic science & therapy

My style

  • Compassionate - I can be mindfully present to and empathize with the sorrow and suffering of someone else, as well as with their  joy and wonder

  • Honest and realistic - I am frank about what I can and cannot offer

  • Gentle - I don't believe in having to break through anything and I respect all layers of the psyche, including "the ego" and any defense mechanisms

  • Hands-off - I trust a person's own strength as much as possible

  • Down to earth - not wishy washy, but open minded

  • Culturally sensitive - I respect someone's worldview and do not impose my own upon them

Friends have called me "Door" since I was a teenager. About ten years ago, a friend affectionately called me Door of Perception and that nickname stuck. It refers to Aldous Huxley's “The Doors of Perception”, a classic and influential 1954 essay about the writers first experience with psychedelics - the band The Doors named themselves after it. And because I admire both Huxley and the Doors, I feel very honoured with this nickname!


In addition to being a psychedelic guide, consultant and mentor, I'm also a mother, spouse, writer, consciousness researcher, medical anthropologist, meditation practitioner, music lover, nature admirer, art-house movie fan, sci-fi lover, global citizen and idealist.

Dorien = Door of Perception

& some elaboration...

My passion for psychedelics was born when I tried psilocybin mushrooms for the first time, over twentyfive years ago. I immediately knew that I wanted to introduce others to this special and inspiring state of consciousness. Learning about altered states of consciousness became a red thread in my life. I went on to study cultural anthropology, eager to learn more about the cultures that have been working with psychedelics for centuries. During my studies I worked in a Smartshop (where magic mushrooms were still legally sold at that time) and through that employer, and a grant from my university, I ended up at the 2006 LSD symposium in Basel. That symposium, in honor of Albert Hofmann's centennial birthday, was the inspiration for me to initiate the OPEN Foundation, which was founded in 2007 to stimulate psychedelics research in the Netherlands.

In addition to my theoretical interests in altered states of consciousness, I have always felt the need to help people. That combination led me to the path of mental health care counsellor. I worked in the field of social-psychiatry for ten years and experienced up close what it's like to live with a psychiatric condition. In the meantime, I gained experience as a volunteer guiding “bad trips” at festivals. Here my eyes were really opened to the risks that psychedelics may pose, when not taken in an appropriate or safe setting.

When I first became a mother, I decided to leave my psychiatric counselling career.  Although the people I worked with stole my heart, dealing with the limitations of the current mental healthcare system was starting to feel too taxing. Again and again I experienced how little the field of psychiatry can do to cure patients. I saw a lot of medication and very little progress and this started to frustrate me. It was time to look for an occupation that would give me energy and I decided to start my own business. Since then I have been working as a writer and psychedelic guide -  a long cherished dream came true.

Want to know even more?