Practical information about the truffle sessions


Preparatory sessions and guided truffle journeys take place in a beautiful psychologist's practice near Artis. The session room has a nice homely atmosphere while also offering privacy. The practice is centrally located in a beautiful part of Amsterdam.

Integration sessions can also take place outdoors if desired. We can meet for a nice walk along the Gaasperplas (one of the green lungs of Amsterdam) or through the picturesque "Plantagebuurt."


Practice address:

Hoogte Kadijk 155
1018 BJ Amsterdam


Public transportation
Tram 7 - stop Hoogte Kadijk
Bus 43 - stop Kadijksplein

Good to know:

It is highly recommended that you keep the day(s) after the truffle session free from work or other obligations. This allows you to really take your time to process your experience.

I usually conduct introductory meetings by phone or videocall.


Prices 2024
PDF – 69,6 KB

My practice space is very close to the Artis Zoo. From my lunch spot you can see the giraffes and elephants.

During the integration session I regularly walk around the Gaasperplas with my clients. This is a green oasis on the edge of the city, easily accessible by metro (20 minutes from Amsterdam Central Station) and also by private transport. Free parking too!